Hey guys, In this post we are discussing about a quick VMware ESXi upgrade method to ESXi 7.0 U3 using command-line interface (CLI)/Putty. And which allows you to quickly download and upgrade your ESXi host if you are not using vCenter server and the host has no internet access.
Before starting, Please make sure you have done backup of your VMs.
Build Details
Step 1: Offline Bundle download
Download the software from VMWare Customer portal. You need to create an account for login and it's easy. After login, please go to product patches page. And select the software patch as shown in the figure and click download now.
Step 2: Upload Zip file to Datastore
You can upload using VMware Client web interface.
Go to storage section in VMWare Client and click on Datastore browser and upload the file to a folder/or to root folder of datastore.
Make sure you have a VM's data backup.
Step3: Enable SSH for Host Manage
Go to Hosts> Manage>Services>TSM-SSH. And right click to start the service.
Check the connection to server using putty/SSH Client. For downloading putty, click here
Type hostname/IP Address and Click Open. A connection to the server starts and prompts for the login credentials. Please use server login credentials. While typing password, we can't see it in the CLI. So don't be afraid and type the password(Don't Copy).
And you will get a connection to Server.
Step4: Change Server to Maintenance Mode
Shut down all your VM's before entering maintenance mode. You can set maintenance mode via CLI or Web Interface.
Web Interface:
Right Click on host and click "Enter Maintenance Mode".
CLI/SSH Client:
Type/ copy command to putty;
vim-cmd /hostsvc/maintenance_mode_enter
For verfying, please type/copy;
vim-cmd /hostsvc/hostsummary | grep inMaintenanceMode
If the server is in maintenance mode, the a true will display.
Step 5: Searching Profile list
Navigate to the directory on the datastore where the patch file was uploaded to and verify that the file exists by running these commands;
esxcli software sources profile list -d /vmfs/volumes/<yourdatastorepath>/VMware-ESXi-7.0U3a-18825058-depot.zip
This will display the list of profiles in bundle. In our case, we pick the standard because I want the VMware tools package present on the host. The other one with no-tools is the one normally use for Autodeploy.
Step 6: Updating OS
Enter this command to update ESXi;
esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-7.0U3a-18825058-standard -d /vmfs/volumes/<yourdatastorepath>/VMware-ESXi-7.0U3a-18825058-depot.zip
Note: Use the update command is the recommended method as it preserves VIBs. (The “install” command wipes things out). Using this command applies all of the newer contents in the file, including all security fixes.
Wait for a minute and after the update you will get a message in putty CLI as shown below;
Step 7: Reboot ESXi Host
You can reboot ESXi host using web interface or by typing reboot in putty CLI.
Step8: Exit Maintenance Mode
Exit maintenance mode by logging to the Web interface. And you can see the ESXi host was updated with a new build number.
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