First of all create a directory in your ns-2.34 directory with the following files.
- protoname_pkt.h
- protoname_rtable.h
- # Note the capital P in the beginning and must be capital P
- protoname.h
The code for protoname_pkt.h is given below
#include <packet.h>
#include <config.h>
#include <random.h>
#include <timer-handler.h>
#include <trace.h>
#include <classifier-port.h>
#define HDR_PROTONAME_PKT(p) hdr_protoname_pkt::access(p)
struct hdr_protoname_pkt {
nsaddr_t pkt_src_; //Node which originated this packet
u_int16_t pkt_len_; //Packet length (in bytes)
u_int8_t pkt_seq_num_; //Packet Sequence Number
inline nsaddr_t& pkt_src() {return pkt_src_;}
inline u_int16_t& pkt_len() {return pkt_len_;}
inline u_int8_t& pkt_seq_num() {return pkt_seq_num_;}
static int offset_;
inline static int& offset() {return offset_;}
// To access the hdr_protoname_pkt packet header in a packet pointed by p, we use the access fn
inline static hdr_protoname_pkt* access(const Packet* p) {
return (hdr_protoname_pkt*)p->access(offset_);
#endif /* PROTONAME_PKT_H_ */
The code for is given below
#include "protoname_rtable.h"
#include "ip.h"
protoname_rtable::protoname_rtable() { }
void protoname_rtable::print(Trace* out) {
sprintf(out->pt_->buffer(), "p\tdest\tnext");
for (rtable_t::iterator it = rt_.begin(); it != rt_.end(); it++) {
sprintf(out->pt_->buffer(), "P\t%d\t%d", (*it).first, (*it).second);
protoname_rtable::clear() {
protoname_rtable::rm_entry(nsaddr_t dest) {
protoname_rtable::add_entry(nsaddr_t dest, nsaddr_t next) {
rt_[dest] = next;
protoname_rtable::lookup(nsaddr_t dest) {
rtable_t::iterator it = rt_.find(dest);
if (it == rt_.end())
return (*it).second;
protoname_rtable::size() {
return rt_.size();
The code for protoname_rtable.h is given below
#include <trace.h>
#include <map>
#include <ip.h>
typedef std::map<nsaddr_t, nsaddr_t> rtable_t;
class protoname_rtable {
rtable_t rt_;
void print(Trace*);
void clear();
void rm_entry(nsaddr_t);
void add_entry(nsaddr_t, nsaddr_t);
nsaddr_t lookup(nsaddr_t);
u_int32_t size();
#endif /* PROTONAME_RTABLE_H_ */
The code for is given below
#include "protoname.h"
#include "protoname_pkt.h"
#include "protoname_rtable.h"
#include <timer-handler.h>
#include <node.h>
#include <random.h>
#include <cmu-trace.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <classifier-port.h>
#include <packet.h>
#include <address.h>
// To Bind our packet in OTcl Interface
int hdr_protoname_pkt::offset_;
static class ProtonameHeaderClass : public PacketHeaderClass {
ProtonameHeaderClass() : PacketHeaderClass("PacketHeader/PROTONAME", sizeof(hdr_protoname_pkt)) {
static class ProtonameClass : public TclClass
ProtonameClass() : TclClass("Agent/PROTONAME") {}
TclObject* create(int argc, const char*const* argv) {
return(new Protoname((nsaddr_t)Address::instance().str2addr(argv[4])));
Protoname_PktTimer::expire(Event* e) {
Protoname::Protoname(nsaddr_t id) : Agent(PT_PROTONAME), pkt_timer_(this) {
bind_bool("accessible_var_", &accessible_var_);
ra_addr_ = id;
Protoname::command(int argc, const char*const* argv) {
if(argc == 2) {
if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "start") == 0) {
return TCL_OK;
else if (strcasecmp(argv[1],"print_rtable") == 0) {
if(logtarget_ != 0) {
sprintf(logtarget_->pt_->buffer(), "P %f _%d_ Routing Table", CURRENT_TIME, ra_addr());
else {
fprintf(stdout, "%f _%d_ If you want to print this routing table ""you must create a trace file in your TCL Script",CURRENT_TIME, ra_addr());
return TCL_OK;
else if (argc == 3) {
//Obtains corresponding dmux to carry packets to upper layer
if (strcmp(argv[1], "port-dmux") == 0) {
dmux_ = (PortClassifier*)TclObject::lookup(argv[2]);
if (dmux_ == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s lookup of %s failed \n", __FILE__,argv[1],argv[2]);
return TCL_ERROR;
return TCL_OK;
//Obtains corresponding tracer
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "log-target") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "tracetarget") == 0) {
logtarget_ = (Trace*)TclObject::lookup(argv[2]);
if (logtarget_ == 0)
return TCL_ERROR;
return TCL_OK;
//Pass the command to the base class
return Agent::command(argc, argv);
Protoname::recv(Packet* p, Handler* h) {
struct hdr_cmn* ch = HDR_CMN(p);
struct hdr_ip* ih = HDR_IP(p);
if (ih->saddr() == ra_addr()){
//If there exists a routing loop, drop the packet
if(ch->num_forwards() > 0) {
//else if this is a packet I am originating, must add IP header
else if(ch->num_forwards() == 0)
ch->size() += IP_HDR_LEN;
// If it is a protoname packet, must process it
if(ch->ptype() == PT_PROTONAME)
//Otherwise, must forward the packet (unless TTL reaches zero
else {
if(ih->ttl_ == 0) {
drop(p, DROP_RTR_TTL);
Protoname::recv_protoname_pkt(Packet* p) {
struct hdr_ip* ih = HDR_IP(p);
struct hdr_protoname_pkt* ph = HDR_PROTONAME_PKT(p);
// All routing messages are sent from and to port RT_PORT, so we shall check it
assert(ih->sport() == RT_PORT);
assert(ih->dport() == RT_PORT);
/* processing of protoname packet */
// Release resources
Protoname::send_protoname_pkt() {
Packet* p = allocpkt();
struct hdr_cmn* ch = HDR_CMN(p);
struct hdr_ip* ih = HDR_IP(p);
struct hdr_protoname_pkt* ph = HDR_PROTONAME_PKT(p);
ph->pkt_src() = ra_addr();
ph->pkt_len() = 7;
ph->pkt_seq_num() = seq_num_++;
ch->ptype() = PT_PROTONAME;
ch->direction() = hdr_cmn::DOWN;
ch->size() = IP_HDR_LEN + ph->pkt_len();
ch->error() = 0;
ch->next_hop() = IP_BROADCAST;
ch->addr_type() = NS_AF_INET;
ih->saddr() = ra_addr();
ih->daddr() = IP_BROADCAST;
ih->sport() = RT_PORT;
ih->dport() = RT_PORT;
ih->ttl() = IP_DEF_TTL;
Scheduler::instance().schedule(target_, p, JITTER);
Protoname::reset_protoname_pkt_timer() {
Protoname::forward_data(Packet* p) {
struct hdr_cmn* ch = HDR_CMN(p);
struct hdr_ip* ih = HDR_IP(p);
if(ch->direction() == hdr_cmn::UP && ((u_int32_t)ih->daddr() == IP_BROADCAST || ih->daddr() == ra_addr())) {
dmux_->recv(p, NULL);
else {
ch->direction() = hdr_cmn::DOWN;
ch->addr_type() = NS_AF_INET;
if ((u_int32_t)ih->daddr() == IP_BROADCAST)
ch->next_hop() = IP_BROADCAST;
else {
nsaddr_t next_hop = rtable_.lookup(ih->daddr());
if(next_hop == IP_BROADCAST) {
debug("%f: Agent %d can not forward a packet destined to %d \n", CURRENT_TIME,ra_addr(),ih->daddr());
ch->next_hop() = next_hop;
Scheduler::instance().schedule(target_, p, 0.0);
The code for protoname.h is given below
#ifndef PROTONAME_H_
#define PROTONAME_H_
#include "protoname_pkt.h"
#include "protoname_rtable.h"
#include <agent.h>
#include <packet.h>
#include <trace.h>
#include <timer-handler.h>
#include <random.h>
#include <classifier-port.h>
#include "arp.h"
#include "ll.h"
#include "mac.h"
#include "ip.h"
#include "delay.h"
#define CURRENT_TIME Scheduler::instance().clock()
#define JITTER (Random::uniform()*0.5)
class Protoname; //Forward Declaration
/* TIMERS */
class Protoname_PktTimer : public TimerHandler {
public :
Protoname_PktTimer(Protoname* agent) : TimerHandler() {
agent_ = agent;
Protoname* agent_;
virtual void expire(Event* e);
/* Agent */
class Protoname : public Agent {
/* Friends */
friend class Protoname_PktTimer;
/*Private Members*/
nsaddr_t ra_addr_;
//protoname_state state_;
protoname_rtable rtable_;
int accessible_var_;
u_int8_t seq_num_;
protected :
PortClassifier* dmux_; //For Passing Packets Up To Agents
Trace* logtarget_; //For Logging
Protoname_PktTimer pkt_timer_; //Timer for sending packets
inline nsaddr_t& ra_addr() {return ra_addr_; }
//inline protoname_state& state() {return state_;}
inline int& accessible_var() {return accessible_var_;}
void forward_data(Packet*);
void recv_protoname_pkt(Packet*);
void send_protoname_pkt();
void reset_protoname_pkt_timer();
int command(int, const char*const*);
void recv(Packet*, Handler*);
#endif /* PROTONAME_H_ */
Note: Now we have to make changes to certain ns-2.34 files. The steps given below are most important for successful implementation so perform them very carefully.
Open file packet.h under ns-2.34/common/packet.h. Do the changes given below.
Under typedef unsigned int packet_t; lots of constants would have been defined.
Go down and at Line 182 u will find
// AOMDV packet
static const packet_t PT_AOMDV = 61;
After it insert the line as follows
// insert new packet types here
static const packet_t PT_PROTONAME = 62;
and change PT_NTYPE value from 62 (earlier) to 63 now.
static packet_t PT_NTYPE = 63; // This MUST be the LAST one
Then in the same file move down till u find p_info(). In it search for the function
static packetClass classify(packet_t type) {
and perform the following changes in it by entering the 2nd line below.
type == PT_AODV ||
return ROUTING;
In the same file, go below and search for the function static void initName(). Now at the end of this function u shall find this
// AOMDV patch
name_[PT_AOMDV]= "AOMDV";
After this enter the following line.
name_[PT_NTYPE]= "undefined"; // let it remain as it is
Open the file cmu-trace.h under ns-2.34/trace/cmu-trace.h
At line 162 u shall find
void format_aomdv(Packet *p, int offset);
After it enter the following line
void format_protoname(Packet *p, int offset);
Now open the file in the same folder ns-2.34/trace/cmu-trace.h
Include the following header file at the beginning.
#include <protoname/protoname_pkt.h>
Now at the end write the following code ( u can always copy-paste) :)
CMUTrace::format_protoname(Packet* p, int offset)
struct hdr_protoname_pkt* ph = HDR_PROTONAME_PKT(p);
if(pt_->tagged()) {
sprintf(pt_->buffer() + offset, “-PROTONAME:o %d -PROTONAME:s %d -PROTONAME:l %d”, ph->pkt_src(), ph->pkt_seq_num(), ph->pkt_len());
else if (newtrace_) {
sprintf(pt_->buffer() + offset, “-P PROTONAME -Po %d -Ps %d -Pl %d “, ph->pkt_src(), ph->pkt_seq_num(), ph->pkt_len());
else {
sprintf(pt_->buffer() + offset, “[PROTONAME %d %d %d] “, ph->pkt_src(), ph->pkt_seq_num(), ph->pkt_len());
After the above steps search for the function (in the same file) at Line 1305 (most probably)
void CMUTrace::format(Packet* p, const char *why)
move down and after
case PT_PING:
Enter the following lines
format_protoname(p, offset);
Open the file ns-packet.tcl under ns-2.34/tcl/lib/ns-packet.tcl
Search at Line 113 for
foreach prot {
Enter the following after to it to make it look like this
foreach prot {
# Common:
# Routing Protocols:
NV # NixVector classifier for stateless routing
Open the file ns-default.tcl under ns-2.34/tcl/lib/ns-default.tcl
In the end of the file enter the following line
Agent/PROTONAME set accessible_var_ true
Open the file ns-lib.tcl under ns-2.34/tcl/lib/ns-lib.tcl
Search at Line 604 for the function
Simulator instproc create-wireless-node args {
Go below and after
switch -exact $routingAgent_ {
Enter the following lines
set ragent [$self create-protoname-agent $node]
To make it look like this
switch -exact $routingAgent_ {
set ragent [$self create-protoname-agent $node]
set ragent [$self create-dsdv-agent $node]
Now in the same file go at last or end and enter the following lines
Simulator instproc create-protoname-agent { node } {
# Create Protoname Routing Agent
set ragent [new Agent/PROTONAME [$node node-addr]]
$self at 0.0 "$ragent start"
$node set ragent_ $ragent
return $ragent
Open file under ns-2.34/queue/
Search for the function at Line 82.
PriQueue::recv(Packet *p, Handler *h)
After case PT_AOMDV: enter the following line
It should look like this
case PT_AOMDV:
recvHighPriority(p, h);
Now changes to be done in
Under INCLUDES add the following directory
-I./wpan \
Under OBJ_CC do the following changes at the end.
protoname/Protoname.o protoname/protoname_rtable.o \
Now save your project and move to the command line Ctrl + Alt + T.
Browse to directory ns-2.34 under ns-allinone-2.34 directory.
Perform the following commands in order.
make clean
make depend // Optional
sudo make install
U shall get no errors. If you are getting any errors ask in the comments section.
Now we have to make a tcl file to test the protocol.
In home directory. Create a tcl file with the name exproto.tcl. The contents of the tcl file are as follows (I have defined 6 nodes)
# Define options
set val(chan) Channel/WirelessChannel ;# channel type
set val(prop) Propagation/TwoRayGround ;# radio-propagation model
set val(netif) Phy/WirelessPhy ;# network interface type
set val(mac) Mac/802_11 ;# MAC type
set val(ifq) CMUPriQueue ;# interface queue type
set val(ll) LL ;# link layer type
set val(ant) Antenna/OmniAntenna ;# antenna model
set val(ifqlen) 50 ;# max packet in ifq
set val(nn) 6 ;# number of mobilenodes
set val(rp) PROTONAME ;# routing protocol
set val(x) 1000 ;# X dimension of topography
set val(y) 1000 ;# Y dimension of topography
set val(stop) 150 ;# time of simulation end
set ns [new Simulator]
set tracefd [open w]
set namtrace [open simwrls.nam w]
$ns trace-all $tracefd
$ns namtrace-all-wireless $namtrace $val(x) $val(y)
# set up topography object
set topo [new Topography]
$topo load_flatgrid $val(x) $val(y)
create-god $val(nn)
# configure the nodes
$ns node-config -adhocRouting $val(rp) \
-llType $val(ll) \
-macType $val(mac) \
-ifqType $val(ifq) \
-ifqLen $val(ifqlen) \
-antType $val(ant) \
-propType $val(prop) \
-phyType $val(netif) \
-channelType $val(chan) \
-topoInstance $topo \
-agentTrace ON \
-routerTrace ON \
-macTrace OFF \
-movementTrace ON
for {set i 0} {$i < $val(nn) } { incr i } {
set n($i) [$ns node]
# Provide initial location of mobilenodes
$n(0) set X_ 100.0
$n(0) set Y_ 200.0
$n(0) set Z_ 0.0
$n(1) set X_ 200.0
$n(1) set Y_ 400.0
$n(1) set Z_ 0.0
$n(2) set X_ 500.0
$n(2) set Y_ 600.0
$n(2) set Z_ 0.0
$n(3) set X_ 400.0
$n(3) set Y_ 500.0
$n(3) set Z_ 0.0
$n(4) set X_ 700.0
$n(4) set Y_ 400.0
$n(4) set Z_ 0.0
$n(5) set X_ 500.0
$n(5) set Y_ 800.0
$n(5) set Z_ 0.0
# Set a TCP connection between n(1) and n(3)
set tcp [new Agent/TCP/Newreno]
$tcp set class_ 2
set sink [new Agent/TCPSink]
$ns attach-agent $n(1) $tcp
$ns attach-agent $n(3) $sink
$ns connect $tcp $sink
set ftp [new Application/FTP]
$ftp attach-agent $tcp
$ns at 10.0 “$ftp start”
# Set a TCP connection between n(2) and n(4)
set tcp [new Agent/TCP/Newreno]
$tcp set class_ 2
set sink [new Agent/TCPSink]
$ns attach-agent $n(2) $tcp
$ns attach-agent $n(4) $sink
$ns connect $tcp $sink
#defining heads
$ns at 0.0 “$n(0) label CH”
$ns at 0.0 “$n(1) label Source”
#$ns at 0.0 “$n(2) label N2″
$ns at 10.0 “$n(2) setdest 785.0 228.0 5.0″
$ns at 13.0 “$n(4) setdest 700.0 20.0 5.0″
$ns at 15.0 “$n(3) setdest 115.0 85.0 5.0″
#Color change while moving from one group to another
$ns at 73.0 “$n(2) delete-mark N2″
$ns at 73.0 “$n(2) add-mark N2 pink circle”
$ns at 124.0 “$n(1) delete-mark N11″
$ns at 124.0 “$n(1) add-mark N11 purple circle”
$ns at 103.0 “$n(5) delete-mark N5″
$ns at 103.0 “$n(5) add-mark N5 white circle”
$ns at 87.0 “$n(3) delete-mark N26″
$ns at 87.0 “$n(3) add-mark N26 yellow circle”
$ns at 92.0 “$n(0) delete-mark N14″
$ns at 92.0 “$n(0) add-mark N14 green circle”
# Define node initial position in nam
for {set i 0} {$i < $val(nn)} { incr i } {
# 20 defines the node size for nam
$ns initial_node_pos $n($i) 20
# Telling nodes when the simulation ends
for {set i 0} {$i < $val(nn) } { incr i } {
$ns at $val(stop) “$n($i) reset”;
# ending nam and the simulation
$ns at $val(stop) “$ns nam-end-wireless $val(stop)”
$ns at $val(stop) “stop”
$ns at 150.01 “puts \”end simulation\” ; $ns halt”
proc stop {} {
global ns tracefd namtrace
$ns flush-trace
close $tracefd
close $namtrace
exec nam simwrls.nam &
$ns run
Save and close it.
Now open terminal and type ns exproto.tcl.It shall run perfectly and nam should open.
The trace file should look as follows.
s 0.007102330 _0_ RTR --- 0 PROTONAME 27 [0 0 0 0] ------- [0:255 -1:255 32 0] [PROTONAME 0 0 7]
r 0.008123076 _1_ RTR --- 0 PROTONAME 27 [0 ffffffff 0 800] ------- [0:255 -1:255 32 0] [PROTONAME 0 0 7]
s 0.044061336 _1_ RTR --- 1 PROTONAME 27 [0 0 0 0] ------- [1:255 -1:255 32 0] [PROTONAME 1 0 7]
r 0.045102081 _0_ RTR --- 1 PROTONAME 27 [0 ffffffff 1 800] ------- [1:255 -1:255 32 0] [PROTONAME 1 0 7]
r 0.045102081 _3_ RTR --- 1 PROTONAME 27 [0 ffffffff 1 800] ------- [1:255 -1:255 32 0] [PROTONAME 1 0 7]
now u have successfully implemented the unicast routing protocol for MANETs. U should not face any problems if you follow the above steps.
For here
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