Now a days,running ns2 codes over ns2 is very useful and easy.If u want to speed up your programming and also you do not want to waste your time to remember Classes/APIs/Functions, do not want to waste time to open/close/reopen files, switch files back forth and finally, if you want to understand the code architecture better and quicker, you should use some good environment i.e IDE. In windows,the better IDE is visual studio.But in case of NS2,it is better to use Eclipse as the IDE for both linux and windows.In here we are explaining installation and working of Eclipse indigo and for ns2 versions (ns 2.31 to ns 2.35).
STEP 1: First,we have to download eclipse.And for that ,please go through following link;
STEP 2: After downloading,open folder.It was normally in compressed format,so we have to extract it.Extract the IDE to a folder.
STEP 3 : Now download CDT from following link.
STEP 4: Now open Eclipse,go to help and then to install new software [Help--> Install New Software].A window with name "install" will pop up. Then go to Add. Put the values as shown below.
Name:- CDT
Location:- Browse to the "" file.
STEP 5: Check "CDT Main Features" and "CDT Optional Features", click next, then accept license and finish. At last it will ask you to restart Eclipse, then choose Restart.
CDT stands for “C/C++ Development Tooling”
If you do not have a working internet connection in the system you have installed Eclipse, instead of steps 4 and 5, download the CDT from the above mentioned site. Then move to Install New Software (STEP 4) -> Add and add the archive downloaded.
STEP 6: Now,install ns2, Download ns2 form here and then Extract NS-2 to a folder, i.e. /home/username/ns-allinone-2.35
Edit Makefile :
1. Open “…/ns-allinone-2.35/ns-2.35/” and
2. Add "-g" to the line CCOPT = @V_CCOPT@ as follows
3. Add -DNDEBUG -DDEBUG to the end of the following line:
4. Navigate to …/ns-allinone-2.34/ns-2.34 and run “./configure”
5. Navigate to the NS-2 folder using terminal and type ./install
6. Also, follow the instructions are displayed at the end of a successful installation. These instructions are to modify the PATH variable and other environment variables as needed.
7. You may encounter compilation troubles, due to the DEBUG flag being enabled. My experience was that several printf statements needed to be disabled (commented out):
mobile/ line 293
aodv/ line 210
aomdv/ line 186
aomdv/ line 283
STEP 7: Now once again open eclipse and set the workspace as the ns2 installation path (/home/user/ns-allinone-2.35) by selecting File -> Switch Workspace.
Choose File -> New -> Project -> C++ Project.
Select Project Type as Makefile Project -> Empty C++ Project.
1. Toolchains: Linux GCC
2. Enter Project Name as ns-2.34
Uncheck “Use default location” then browse to the directory NS-2 source directory ( …/ns-allione-2.35/ns-2.35 )
In Eclipse Indigo, you may not be allowed to create a new project in the existing ns-2.35 subfolder if you uncheck the “Use default location” checkbox. You will not need to, anyway, if you have chosen the parent folder as workspace. In this case, Eclipse will only warn you that you are creating a project in a directory which already exists.
Select “Next” and “Finish”.
From the workspace, Selecting the NS-2 Project and choosing Project -> Build All should not give Error.
Running the project must open the console with the NS-2 prompt, %
STEP 8: Select Run -> Debug Configurations
Choose C/C++ Application. Type in any name.
Under the Main tab, Choose the following:
Project as ns-2.34.
C/C++ Application as ns. (Search Project and Choose this)
Under the Debugger tab, choose GDB Debugger. Uncheck the “Stop on startup at” option.
Apply and Debug.
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