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 A node is called as malicious when it will simply drop the router packets DROP_RTR_ROUTE_LOOP. For adding a malicious node to AODV protocol, we have to modify following files; 

  • aodv.h
Changes in aodv.h file

We have to declare a variable as shown below in the protected scope in the class AODV of aodv.h file

bool malicious;

Changes in file

The changes that have to make  in .cc file is given below;

Step 1: Initialize the malicious variable with a value "false". Declare it inside the constructor as shown below
AODV::AODV(nsaddr_t id):Agent(PT_AODV)...
malicious = false;

Step 2: Add the following statement to the file in the "if(argc==2)" statement.

if(strcmp(argv[1], "malicious") == 0) {
    malicious = true;
   return TCL_OK;

Step 3: Implement the behavior of the malicious node by setting the following code in the rt_resolve(Packet *p) function. The malicious node will simply drop the packet as indicated below.


Once done, recompile ns2 as given below;

Open Terminal -> Go to ~ns-2.35/ directory and type the command make to compile
cd /home/user/ns-allinone-2.35/ns-2.35/  [its vary with your directory path]

Once the compilation is done, Check the malicious behavior using the Tcl Script by setting any one   node as malicious node. The command to set the malicious node is
$ns at 0.0 "[$n2 set ragent_] malicious"

The variable referred for node2 is n2 (set n2 [$ns node])


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