Hey, Today we are discussing abou a simple and easy port of the popular Network Simulator NS2 for the windows platform. For this method, there is no need of cygwin or virtual box. Is that Interesting???
1. Downloading essential directories:
or usegit from here.
Unzip the zipped file in your preferred directory.
2. Installation of Software
- Install chocolatey
Chocolatey takes care of your environment variables and all the nuances when it comes to installing new software which require some specific paths to executables to be present as home variables.
This step may take a couple of minutes.
- Run CMD prompt as administrator (system/32) once the installation is complete. Run the following command to install gawk.
choco install gawk
This step may take a few moments.
- Navigate to the necessary directory where you have this repository cloned/unzipped.
That's all, its ready for execute program.
Now type, ns helloworld.tcl
If all your setup has been done perfectly, you should get the following output:
Hello World - TCLHello World - AWK
The NS Wireless animator window should also pop up.
Write your tcl and awk files in the same directory where you have your ns.exe file. Alternatively, you could set an environment variable with the path to the ns.exe file.
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